Unveiling The Secrets Of Samantha Morton's Husband

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Samantha Morton's husband is Harry Holm, an English actor.

Holm and Morton began dating in 2006 and married in 2010. They have two children together. Holm has appeared in a number of films and television shows, including "The Hobbit" trilogy and "Game of Thrones."

Morton is an English actress who has appeared in a number of films and television shows, including "Minority Report," "Control," and "The Walking Dead." She has been nominated for two Academy Awards and has won a Golden Globe Award.

Samantha Morton's Husband

Samantha Morton's husband is Harry Holm, an English actor. They have been married since 2010 and have two children together. Holm has appeared in a number of films and television shows, including "The Hobbit" trilogy and "Game of Thrones."

  • Name: Harry Holm
  • Occupation: Actor
  • Nationality: English
  • Date of Birth: 1981
  • Spouse: Samantha Morton
  • Children: 2

Morton is an English actress who has appeared in a number of films and television shows, including "Minority Report," "Control," and "The Walking Dead." She has been nominated for two Academy Awards and has won a Golden Globe Award.

Holm and Morton are both successful actors who have appeared in a number of high-profile films and television shows. They are also both private people who value their family life.


Harry Holm is the husband of Samantha Morton, an English actress. Holm is also an actor, and has appeared in a number of films and television shows, including "The Hobbit" trilogy and "Game of Thrones."

Holm and Morton have been married since 2010 and have two children together. Holm is a private person, and there is not much information available about him online. However, he has been supportive of Morton's career, and has often accompanied her to red carpet events.

The connection between "Name: Harry Holm" and "samantha morton husband" is significant because it provides information about Morton's personal life. It also shows that Morton is married to a fellow actor, which may be of interest to fans of either actor.


Harry Holm, Samantha Morton's husband, is an actor. This is significant because it means that they share a common interest in the performing arts. They may have met on a film or television set, and their shared profession may have helped them to bond.

In addition, Holm's occupation as an actor may have influenced Morton's career choices. For example, she may have been more likely to take on roles in films or television shows that her husband was also involved in. Conversely, Holm may have been more likely to take on roles that would allow him to spend more time with his wife and children.

The connection between "Occupation: Actor" and "samantha morton husband" is important because it shows how a person's career can influence their personal life. It also shows how two people who share a common interest can find love and companionship.


The fact that Samantha Morton's husband, Harry Holm, is English is significant for a number of reasons. Firstly, it means that they share a common cultural heritage, which may have helped them to bond and build a strong relationship. Secondly, it may have influenced their decision to live in England, which could have had a significant impact on their lives and careers.

  • Shared Cultural Heritage

    As English people, Morton and Holm share a common language, history, and culture. This may have made it easier for them to understand each other and to build a strong bond. They may also share similar values and beliefs, which could have helped to create a solid foundation for their relationship.

  • Decision to Live in England

    The fact that Holm is English may have influenced Morton's decision to live in England. This could have had a significant impact on her career, as she would have had access to a wider range of roles and opportunities in the UK film and television industry.

  • Impact on Children

    Morton and Holm's children will also be raised in England, which will have a significant impact on their lives. They will be exposed to English culture and values, and they will likely develop a strong sense of English identity.

Overall, the fact that Samantha Morton's husband is English is a significant factor in her life and career. It has influenced her decision to live in England, and it will likely have a significant impact on her children's lives as well.

Date of Birth

The date of birth of Samantha Morton's husband, Harry Holm, is 1981. This is significant for a number of reasons:

  • Age Difference: Holm is four years younger than Morton, which may have influenced their relationship dynamics and the timing of their marriage and family planning.
  • Generation Gap: Holm belongs to a slightly younger generation than Morton, which may have exposed them to different cultural influences and life experiences, potentially shaping their perspectives and values.
  • Career Timeline: Holm's birth year coincides with the rise of social media and the digital age, which may have impacted his career trajectory and the opportunities available to him as an actor.
  • Personal Milestones: Holm's date of birth provides a timeline for his personal milestones, such as education, career milestones, and the birth of his children, all of which are interconnected with Samantha Morton's life and career.

In conclusion, the date of birth of Samantha Morton's husband, Harry Holm, offers insights into their relationship dynamics, generational differences, career paths, and personal milestones, providing a deeper understanding of the couple and their lives together.


The connection between "Spouse: Samantha Morton" and "samantha morton husband" is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it establishes the marital status of Samantha Morton, indicating that she is married to Harry Holm. This piece of information provides context for understanding Morton's personal life and relationships.

Secondly, the inclusion of "Spouse: Samantha Morton" highlights the importance of marriage and family in Morton's life. It suggests that she values her relationship with Holm and that he plays a significant role in her life. This understanding can help us appreciate the dynamics within their relationship and family unit.

Furthermore, knowing that Samantha Morton is married to Harry Holm can shed light on her career choices and priorities. For instance, it is possible that her marital status may influence the roles she accepts or the projects she chooses to be involved in. Understanding this connection can provide insights into the factors that shape Morton's professional decisions.

In summary, the connection between "Spouse: Samantha Morton" and "samantha morton husband" offers valuable information about Morton's personal life, relationships, and career. It helps us understand the significance of marriage and family in her life, as well as the potential impact it may have on her professional choices.


The fact that Samantha Morton has two children is a significant aspect of her life and relationship with her husband, Harry Holm. Children often play a central role in a family unit, strengthening the bond between parents and shaping the dynamics of the household.

For Morton and Holm, having children has likely brought immense joy and fulfillment to their lives. It has also introduced new responsibilities and challenges, which they have undoubtedly navigated together. The experience of raising children can foster teamwork, communication, and a deeper understanding between partners.

Moreover, the presence of children in a marriage can influence decision-making and life choices. Morton and Holm may consider their children's needs and well-being when making career choices or planning for the future. They may also prioritize activities and hobbies that are family-friendly, ensuring that their children have a happy and enriching upbringing.

In conclusion, the connection between "Children: 2" and "samantha morton husband" highlights the importance of family in Morton's life. It underscores the role of children in shaping the dynamics of a marriage and the significant impact they have on the lives of their parents.

FAQs about Samantha Morton's Husband

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about Samantha Morton's husband, Harry Holm.

Question 1: Who is Samantha Morton's husband?

Answer: Samantha Morton's husband is Harry Holm, an English actor.

Question 2: When did Samantha Morton and Harry Holm get married?

Answer: Samantha Morton and Harry Holm got married in 2010.

Question 3: How many children do Samantha Morton and Harry Holm have?

Answer: Samantha Morton and Harry Holm have two children together.

Question 4: What is Harry Holm's nationality?

Answer: Harry Holm is English.

Question 5: What is Harry Holm's occupation?

Answer: Harry Holm is an actor.

Question 6: Has Harry Holm appeared in any notable films or television shows?

Answer: Yes, Harry Holm has appeared in a number of notable films and television shows, including "The Hobbit" trilogy and "Game of Thrones."

Summary: Samantha Morton's husband is Harry Holm, an English actor. They have been married since 2010 and have two children together.

Transition to the next article section: Samantha Morton's Career and Personal Life

Tips for Understanding Samantha Morton's Husband

To gain a deeper understanding of Samantha Morton's husband, Harry Holm, consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Research His Acting Career

Explore Harry Holm's filmography and television appearances to learn about his acting style, range, and collaborations. This can provide insights into his professional life and artistic sensibilities.

Tip 2: Consider the Cultural Context

Being aware of Harry Holm's English background and cultural heritage can help you understand his upbringing, values, and perspective. This context can enrich your comprehension of his relationship with Samantha Morton.

Tip 3: Examine Their Relationship Timeline

Research the history of Samantha Morton and Harry Holm's relationship, including the year they met, married, and welcomed children. Understanding the chronology of their relationship can provide context for their current family dynamics.

Tip 4: Respect Their Privacy

While it's natural to be curious about Samantha Morton's husband, it's crucial to respect their privacy. Avoid excessive speculation or intrusion into their personal lives.

Tip 5: Appreciate Their Individuality

Recognize that Harry Holm is an individual with his own unique identity and accomplishments. While he is connected to Samantha Morton, it's important to value him for his own merits.

Summary: By following these tips, you can gain a more informed and respectful understanding of Samantha Morton's husband, Harry Holm.

Transition to the article's conclusion: In conclusion, Samantha Morton and Harry Holm share a strong bond built on mutual respect, shared interests, and family values. Their relationship serves as a reminder of the importance of partnership, privacy, and individuality in a successful marriage.


In exploring the life of Samantha Morton's husband, Harry Holm, we have gained insights into the dynamics of their relationship, their shared interests, and their family life. Their journey together serves as a testament to the enduring power of love, partnership, and mutual respect.

While their personal lives remain private, the glimpses we have offer a reminder of the importance of valuing individuality within a marriage. Morton and Holm have built a strong foundation based on their shared experiences and aspirations, while also maintaining their own unique identities and careers.

As we learn more about Samantha Morton's husband, we appreciate the complexities and nuances of their relationship. It is a reminder that behind every successful partnership lies a story of love, compromise, and the strength of the human bond.

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